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Pre-Conference Meetings

List of selected applicants to organize pre-conference meetings during 27-28 October 2012:
(the table can also be downloaded here).
Shuttle Bus Services for the pre-meetings of the 28 October is available here
“Global Futures to Strategic Foresight”
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Cancun"
27/10 14:00-16:00
AGRINATURA: Building Capacities in Agriculture Based on Needs
Taking stock of lessons learned and support bottom-up coordination
Location: Barradas - Room: "Barradas Hall"
27/10 14:00-18:00
CAADP: Enhancing CAADP and CGIAR Alignment and Partnerships
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Caribe"
27/10 15:00-17:00
Association of Independent Agricultural Research & Development Centres (AIRCA): An internal meeting for the Heads of the nine AIRCA organisations
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Portofino"
28/10 13:00-15:00
CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish: Mobilizing AR4D partnerships to improve access to critical animal-source foods
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Bariloche"
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Caribe"
27/10 09:00-13:00
27/10 15:00-17:00
CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems: Global and Regional Stakeholder Consultations 
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Bariloche"
28/10 11:00-13:00
CGIAR Research Program on on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS): Reflections on the Science - Society Nexus: Addressing Climate Change and Agricultural Research through Partnerships and Scenario Building
Location: L'Auberge - Room: "Conference room"
28/10 09:00-13:00
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH): Consultations
Location: Barradas - Room: "Barradas Hall"
28/10 09:00-12:00
FORESIGHT EXCHANGE WORKSHOP:  Advances in forward looking studies
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Rio de Janeiro B"
27/10 09:00-18:00
28/10 09:00-18:00
CGIAR Research Program on MAIZE: Innovative Partnerships for Agricultural Development
Location: BW La Foret - Room: "Meeting room 4th floor"
28/10 13:00-16:00
CIFOR-BIOFUELS: Can biofuels contribute to a green economy whilst benefiting smallholders?
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Punta del Este B"
28/10 09:00-13:00
Platform for the co-development and transfer of technologies under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (IT-PGRFA)
Location: BW La Foret - Room: "Meeting room 4th floor"
28/10 09:00-13:00
The Wheat Initiative and the CGIAR Research Program on Wheat: how to work together to address the challenges of food security and development
Location: Las Cumbres - Room: "Laguna"
28/10 13:00-15:00
PROCISUR-IIFF: International comparison of  Institutional Innovation Experiences oriented to family agricultural holdings for sustainable development
Location: SISAI HOTEL1. Room: "Liderarte".
Download documents: brochure, programme.
28/10 09:00-17:00
Location: Barradas - Room: "Figari Hall"
28/10 13:30-17:30
WFP/FAO/GDPRD: Preparation Meeting on Gender, Nutrition and Agriculture
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Punta del Este A"
28/10 14:00-16:30
YPARD – Engaging with youth and working with them to shape the future of ARD
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Caribe"
28/10 09:00-17:00
GCHERA Board meeting
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Cancun"
28/10 09:00-17:00
Partnerships for Research, Capacity building, Innovation and Foresighting: Managing Water for Agriculture and Food in ACP countries (CTA)
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Rio de Janeiro A"
28/10 09:00-17:30
Inter-Regional Forum Meeting: “Putting the GCARD Roadmap into Practice”
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Rio de Janeiro C"
28/10 08:30-16:30
FARA: Catalysing African innovations and entrepreneurships
Location: L'Auberge - Room: "Conference room"
The Dublin Process: Enhancing CAADP and CGIAR Alignment and Partnerships
Location: Conrad Hotel - Room: "Punta del Este A"
28/10 13:30-17:00
28/10 09:00-13:00
Location: Barradas - Room: "Figari Hall"
28/10 09:00-13:00
Farmers' Organizations
Location: Barradas - Room: "Mola Hall"
28/10 09:00-13:00