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Global Marketplace

The theme of the GCARD 2012 Global Marketplace is:
Linking Farmers to Markets: how innovation and knowledge transform farmers’ lives
The Global Marketplace provides a unique opportunity to display and discuss your work with partners from all around the world and across all the sectors involved in agricultural research for development.
The Global Marketplace will display 37 stands, including a centerpiece highlighting how innovations in production, processing and market access have enabled Uruguayan family farmers to grow their incomes and livelihoods in sustainable systems. These displays will provide participants with an introduction to all the systems that they can see during the field day.
International stands will highlight the progress and aims of a number of the new CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs) and the actions taking place among a wide range of GFAR constituencies in delivering the GCARD Roadmap into practice. In particular, these will explore how agricultural knowledge and innovation can be turned into changes, opportunities and development impacts in the lives of family farmers around the world.
Like all markets, the GCARD Marketplace will provide an outstanding opportunity to meet, mingle and make new friends and partnerships with those who share your interests and goals. The opportunity to build new relationships is one of the most valued aspects of the GCARD Conferences and we encourage all participants to take full advantage of the Global Marketplace to open your work to the world and learn from the work of others.
Marketplace plan is available here.
Marketplace booking form is available here.
Stand versions are available here.