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AR4D News Aggregator
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Impact of food price increase on household welfare in Ghana
The global food crisis of 2007–2008 was characterized by a sharp increase in food and other commodity prices on...
Price setting in the cocoa sector
The Ghanaian cocoa sector is considered a successful case of agricultural development in Africa. Sector reforms in...
New developments in financial risk management tools for farmers
Agriculture is a precarious business in which farmers face a host of market and production risks that make their...
Land policy and governance reforms and agricultural transformation
The impact of land tenure systems in sub‐Saharan Africa on agricultural investment and productivity continues to...
Is specialization in agricultural mechanization a viable business model
Since 2007, the Government of Ghana (GoG) embarked on a bid to transform agriculture under its Medium Term...
Mechanization in Ghana searching for sustainable service supply meals
Mechanization has received less attention in academic literature, international policy dialogue and program...
Policy priorities to support Ghana’s commercial seed sector development
This paper is an attempt to provide initial discussion points that may be useful in considering the types of...
Dynamics of transformation insights from rice farming in Kpong Irrigation System (KIS)
Rice plays an important role and has potential in the development strategy for many West African countries,...
Performance of farmer-based organizations in Ghana
In recent years, there has been renewed interest among both public and private organizations to establish...
Upcoming course on the Development and Management of E-Repositories
The IOC project Office for IODE has announced the Development and Management of E-Repositories course to be held on the 8th to the 12th of...
Award opportunity for library services that empower women and girls
EIFL’s Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) celebrated International Women's Day (March 8) with a new award call – for...
“NewGenLib FOSS Library Management System” free webinar
EIFL-FOSS is organising a free webinar on NewGenLib (NGL), an open-source Library Management System (ILS). The event will take place this coming...
Webinar on Learning Innovation and Learning Quality: The future of open education and free digital resources
I would like to invite the AIMS Community to the webinar Learning Innovations and Learning Quality: The future of open education and free...
Intra-regional SPS concerns threaten Tanzanian cut flower exports and sours broader trade
According to press reports in Tanzania’s Citizen newspaper, “a trade dispute between… Tanzania and Kenya may well end up strangling the Tanzanian cut...
The Sixth Africa Agriculture Science Week 2013
The 6th Africa Agriculture Science Week 2013 is going to be held in Ghana under the theme "Africa Feeding Africa through Agricultural Science...
Aid for trade can help exports but needs better design
Although the increase in ‘aid for trade’ has helped to increase export capacity, the example of the Kenyan horticulture sector shows that donor...
Opportunities and challenges arising from increased eco-labelling
The Commonwealth Secretariat has posted a discussion paper in its Trade Hot Topics series on the challenges and opportunities arising for small...
Adding value to Mango non-food uses in West Africa (Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast, Senegal)
11-14 March 2013. Dakar. COLEACP is organizing its Multi-Stakeholder Research Question Workshop (MSHRQ workshop) about: Adding value to Mango non-...
OECD review of impact of non-tariff measures and the way forward
In January 2013, the OECD published a E-book entitled ‘Non-tariff measures in agri-food trade: Improving policy coherence for development’. The book...
Further new US food safety rules could set new challenges for Caribbean exporters
In January 2013, it was announced that the US is to introduce new food safety rules, in an effort to reduce the incidence of food-borne infections....
China and Brazil in Africa: new papers
A set of seven new working papers looks at how Brazil and China are changing agricultural development in Africa. The China and Brazil in African...
CAP debate intensifies but uncertainties remain
As shown by the numerous press releases and statements recently published by farmers’ organisations, the debate on the future of the CAP is...
Report on improving functioning of food supply chain released
On 5 December 2012, the High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain delivered its report, after 2 years of deliberations. The EC...
Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness
WASHINGTON, March 4, 2013–A new World Bank report “Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness,” says that Africa’s farmers and...