ICAR/DARE Informal Retreat on India’s Role and Place in International Agricultural Research

ICAR/DARE Informal Retreat on India’s Role and Place in International Agricultural Research - Image
India is a rapidly growing geo-political, economic and knowledge power at regional and global levels. With the second largest national agricultural innovation system, it has made universally acknowledged progress in agricultural development using science and technology in the last 50 years. Being among the leading producer and consumer of many agricultural commodities, it has a large trade as an exporter and importer in agricultural commodities. Yet, the country is also hot sport of rural poverty, hunger and malnutrition and has complex challenges related to food and agriculture. It needs access to new technologies and knowledge from across the world to solve them. And, as a responsible member of the global community, it needs to share its knowledge, skills and technology, especially about its remarkable progress in agriculture with the rest of the world.
This informal Workshop considered India’s vision of its role and place in International Agricultural Research and the strategic options, after setting appropriate goals to be achieved over time, it has for achieving its desired future role and position.
For the Indian agricultural research, the highest priority is to ensure adequate production to feed its population, improve productivity and incomes of all engaged in agriculture and related activities, which make more that 65 per cent of the population of India’s 1.2 billion people, to alleviate poverty.  India will optimize its agricultural research balancing with highest priority its own domestic needs with the need to do internationally more profiled research which brings prestige and recognition. India also believes that excelling in research that contributes to the country’s own development and progress is and continues to contribute significantly, if exposed appropriately, to International agricultural research for development as the challenges and solutions to the challenges in India and the solutions based on science and technology are similar and congruent to the needs of the developing world globally.
India, at the national level, will continue to judiciously partner with all multilateral global initiatives in IAR such as those led by CGIAR, UN/FAO, GFAR, G20, OIE, World Bank/IMF, IFAD, Multi-country arrangement such as of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS), India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA), Africa Fund, Regional initiatives by Regional Organization in Asia and Africa including those SAARC, ASEAN and APAARI and bilaterally with individual countries. At the Institute, University and Research Project level, India will enable based on its principles for participating in IAR, equitable partnerships, which share, exchange and jointly generate data, information, new knowledge, skills, technology. India will pay special attention to contribute to building capacities in agricultural research, extension and education to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and Small Island States.
28/12/2012 - 29/12/2012