Addressing the vulnerability of the poor to climate change : A systemic inquiry

Addressing the vulnerability of the poor to climate change : A systemic inquiry - Image
The Chaire Développement durable de Sciences Po, the Chaire Développement durable de l'École Polytechnique, the Alliance Program, and Columbia Global Center Paris are pleased to invite you to the second conference of the cycle of lectures on “Economists facing climate change”:

"Addressing the vulnerability of the poor to climate change : A systemic inquiry"
Thursday, January 15 from 5pm to 7pm
Grand Amphithéâtre du Châteauform’
49-51, rue Saint Dominique, Paris 7e
Speaker: Shyama V. RAMANI (United Nations University, Founder of the NGO Friend in Need)
Discussant: François BOURGUIGNON (Paris School of Economics, former chief economist of the World Bank)
Chair: Teresa RIBERA (Director of IDDRI, former Secretary of State for Climate Change in the Government of Spain)

The presentation  aims to explore the interrelationships between poverty and climate change from three angles. First, we present our broad conceptual framework of the co-evolution of poverty alleviation and climate change in growth trajectories, with as background the economic literature in the matter. Then, as development practitioners in India, we present our insights, garnered through personal experience and observations over time, at two levels:
(i)  accompaniment of a set of rural poor as a social entrepreneur. After the tsunami of December 2004, Shyama Ramani founded Friend in Need, a NGO active on the Bay of Bengal coast in Southern India. Over time it has evolved to become a rural incubator for training qualified personnel to man local micro-enterprises active in sanitation coverage and waste management in rural India.
(ii)  accompaniment of public agencies by planning and implementation of designs for climate mitigation and adaptation as a consultant (based on inputs from Dr R. Venkataramani, Executive Director, ICF International).
Shyama Ramani is professor of economic development at the United Nations University (UNU Maastricht).  After the tsunami of December 2004, she founded Friend in Need, a NGO active on the Bay of Bengal coast in Southern India. Over time it has evolved to become a rural incubator for training qualified personnel to man local micro-enterprises active in sanitation coverage and waste management in rural India.
Participation is free but registration is required.
For those affiliated with Sciences Po, please register here
For external participants and more information, please contact
Organizers: Alessia Lefebure (Programme Alliance), Dominique Bureau (École polytechnique), Claude Henry (Columbia University), Laurence Tubiana (Sciences Po).
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