12th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics-ISEE 2012:Ecological Economics and Rio +20: Contributions and Challenges for a Green Economy

ISEE is a nonprofit, member-governed organization dedicated to advancing understanding of the relationships between the economy, ecology and society, for the mutual well-being of people and nature. ISEE conferences are transdisciplinary and have been held biennially since 1990. ISEE 2012 has been conceived to dovetail with the Rio+20 UNCSD Earth Summit.
The Earth Summit has been charged with developing a road map for international cooperation toward a “Green Economy” and for promoting institutions necessary for sustainable development. ISEE 2012 will address UNCSD themes as well as other key debates within ecological economics and environmental policy. It will promote dialogue with the Summit through a final ministerial panel and the participation of policy makers. The challenge for Ecological Economics at this Summit is to contribute to designing innovative alternatives, to address market and institutional failures, as well as to better understand ecological and economic systems.
16/06/2012 - 19/06/2012
Rio de Janeiro
Posted on 24/01/2012