Open Forum
EGFAR hosts discussion forums.
If you are a registered user of EGFAR, you can participate in any of the active open forums below. Or you can ask for new forums and we will create them for you. You can also ask for a private forum indicating the users that you want to participate in that forum.
Active forum topics
- Global Foresight Academy: Introduction , 08/05/2012
- Foresight Academy - 24/01/2014
- foresight academy - 31/01/2014
- Please let me know is - 10/06/2013
- re-Join - 01/05/2013
- Join - 26/04/2013
- join - 29/10/2012
- African Forsight Academy - 11/07/2012
- African Foresight Academy - 24/07/2012
- Congratulations on setting up Foresight Academy - 22/05/2012
- Global Foresight Academy - In Making? - 02/04/2012
- Global Foresight Academy - In Making? - 03/04/2012
- Interest in Foresight Academy - 03/05/2012
- Interest in Foresight Academy - 10/05/2012
- Demography is anything but a sure thing , 08/10/2013
- Forward thinking platform: Farming patterns of the future , 01/02/2012
- Future Agricultural Systems - 25/09/2012
- Open discussion , 24/09/2011
- Food Security for the Caribbean - 13/09/2012
- Policy dialogue platform: Introduction , 01/02/2012