The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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GCARD 2010
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Who's behind GCARD 2010

Who we are

This year's G-8 Statement on Global Food Security directly supported the role of the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR), stating that “the G8 have promoted the revitalisation of the Global Forum for Agricultural Research for Development (GFAR) to ensure effective and inclusive stakeholders participation (e.g. farmers' organisations, civil society, private sector) and strengthen ownership of national and regional research systems.”

Putting this into practice, the processes towards the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) will together build a focused drive to improve livelihoods, particularly for the poor, through agricultural research that is better aligned with the real needs of small farmers. Outputs from these processes, setting the scene for how research can be better reshaped to meet development needs, will be presented for the first time at the GCARD in March 2010.

What we are doing

By bringing together all those who are actively involved in agricultural development and sharing their views, the GCARD conference aims to inspire development of a new global agricultural research system, driven by tangible results for poor farmers. This conference will begin to deliver tangible change through a series of focused recommendations for agricultural research systems, innovation pathways and associated investments that address the needs of the majority of the worlds’ poor who derive their livelihood from agriculture.

Who is supporting GCARD 2010

The following organizations have generously provided funds for GCARD and its associated processes:
  • Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Council
  • Agropolis Fondation
  • Montpellier agglomeration
  • Montpellier township
  • Cirad, INRA, IRD, Universités Montpellier UM1 et UM2, Cemagref
The following organizations have generously provided contributed services and staff: Agropolis International, Agropolis Fondation, Cirad, IAMM, Montpellier SupAgro, INRA, IRD, Universités Montpellier UM1 et UM2, Cemagref, UK DFID.

Last updated on:
Tue Dec 22 20:08:04 CET 2009