The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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What's in the Publications area

The Forum’s Publications area contains all the documents produced by the Forum’s Secretariat or published / co-published by the Global Forum and some documents from the Regional Forums and other stakeholders that pertain to specific GFAR activities (partnerships, co-organized workshops, co-sponsored meetings etc.). 
These documents range from 1997 to date. The collection currently contains around 1050 documents. 

Accessing the Forum's publications
You can search our document collection in two ways through the links on the right-hand side of these pages. You can either browse the collection according to GFAR’s category list or you can use the search facility to search by year, category, key word and author name.
The Special document sets page provides links to ready made sets of relevant documents, like annual reports, conference reports etc.
For quick access, the minutes of Forum meetings and the promotional material are available through a separate link.

Technical information
This area contains technical information on the Repository, giving details of how it was constructed and how it functions.
The RSS feeds section gives instructions on how to access ready made or dynamically created Really Simple Syndication feeds from the repository, which can be used to automatically keep you up to date with the latest publications without having to continuously revisit the Forum website. 

Remember that you can also find other documents uploaded by users who have joined the site community under the Open Site "Resources" page (available from the left-hand side menu under "Have your say"). If you wish to upload a document, you can do it there.

Last updated on:
Fri Mar 13 12:01:01 CET 2009

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  Minutes of Forum's meetings
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