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Bulletin 380

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KIT Bulletin 380 - Outsourcing agricultural advisory services

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FARA Secretariat looking for an ICT consultant
Download Draft Agenda

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DURAS Project Closing Seminar set on 11-13 June 2008
Some of the participants in the francophone workshop held in February in Cotonou in a group photo taken at the end of the 5-day event

Participants in the Anglophone workshop held in January in Hanoi pose for a group photo.

Participants from Cambodia visited Nam Sach one of the sites of the Pig Projet led by RUDEC. Tasting of the borax-free traditional meat products followed.

Participants involved in the POPSe project (from University of Nairobi and the Center for Participatory Irrigation Management) discuss lessons learned in implementing their project.

During the Open Marketplace session of the Benin workshop, Yann Madode a young researcher from the Regional Center for Applied Nutrition and Food of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) explains to other participants activities of the Malto-Sorgo Project which is seeking to produce quality sorghum and millet for small-scale food production in the sub-region.

Benin workshop participants discussing with locals from Ze village who are involved in the INNOBAP Project. The villagers are involved in the participatory selection of improved varieties of banana and plantain.

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DURAS Documentation workshops held

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APAARI - Vacancy: Executive Assistant (Information and Communication Technology)

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1er Atelier International d'Ecologie et Gestion des Communautés de Nématodes Phytoparasites...

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IFAR's Professional Development Program 2008

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RIU Innovation Challenge Call for Proposals

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WARDA, CIAT, IRRI: Joint Declaration on Programmatic Alignment

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NATURA: Call for proposals from young researchers: Technical innovation in cropping systems

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Farmer-led documentation: Local knowledge sharing in an agricultural context

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Awareness Raising Conference on Horticulture for Development
[.ppt] Unique identifiers - solutions

AgriOrg - scheme

AgriOrg - project

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Proposed Architecture and Workflow for Managing Decentralized Information on Organizations Using a Central Registry File
[.ppt] managing_information_on_organizations


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Proposed Application Profile for describing Organizations

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