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Input Fairs  
(published on Fri Nov 21 15:44:16 CET 2008)
in section News & Events

APAARI - Vacancy: APARIS Coordinator  
(published on Mon Nov 17 12:26:54 CET 2008)
in section News & Events - Job Opportunities

3rd Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology  
(published on Mon Nov 17 12:17:41 CET 2008)
in section News & Events - News

(published on Mon Nov 03 12:10:00 CET 2008)
in section News & Events - Publications

Bio-fuel crops research for energy security and rural development in developing countries  
(published on Mon Nov 03 12:00:00 CET 2008)
in section News & Events - Publications

Recent developments for the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research  
(published on Mon Oct 06 19:56:40 CEST 2008)
in section News & Events - News

ICRISAT Library has developed the web-enabled SAT e-library  
(published on Mon Oct 06 19:32:03 CEST 2008)
in section News & Events - News

EC Call for proposals on Non-CGIAR Global ARD funded from the Food Security Thematic Programme consultation with SAG  
(published on Mon Oct 06 19:23:00 CEST 2008)
in section News & Events - News

4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Delhi 2009  
(published on Mon Oct 06 19:17:40 CEST 2008)
in section News & Events - Events

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