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Get ready for the GCARD 2010 regional e-Consultations

25 August 2009


Get ready for the GCARD 2010 regional e-Consultations

Organized by GFAR, the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) is more than just a Conference - it's a multi-year process of learning and continuous updating of the global agricultural research for development (AR4D) system. Each GCARD is organized every 2 years starting in 2009. Our aim is to create new ways of working together to enhance the development value of research. GCARD will be an open and inclusive process for consultation and change, which will aim to reshape agricultural research and innovation, improve resources for research, and increase its development impact. 


The GCARD 2010 will result in an action plan and framework to improve agricultural research and innovation globally.


A series of electronic and face-to-face consultations are being conducted at regional and global levels will preceed the GCARD Conferences in order to capture the contributions and perspectives of all stakeholders in the agricultural research, education and development systems. This will reshape the global agricultural research for development (AR4D) agenda and centre it on the needs of the poor in developing countries. To find out more about the GCARD process, please click here.


Whats happening now in the GCARD Process?  

In order to provide a baseline for discussion, regional reviews have been commissioned to provide a synthesis of existing national and regional studies, policies and reports on how agricultural research priorities currently match to development aims and needs. These reviews are being used to initiate discussions for the upcoming e-consultations and face-to-face meetings at the regional and global levels.


The consultations will also contribute to the formulation of the new research strategy and programs of the CGIAR and provide perspectives from intended partners, end users and beneficiaries on possible strategic themes and their operational implications.


In carrying out this major undertaking, GFAR will be reaching out to all stakeholders in AR4D, working through its constituent agencies and networks, which include: the six Regional Research Fora (FARA, EFARD, AARINENA, FORAGRO, APAARI, CACAARI), who represent National Agricultural Research Systems, the Alliance of CGIAR centres, the FAO, IFAD, and representatives of farmers (IFAP), civil society, the private sector and donor agencies. 


          Photo credit: Diego De Pol (Creative Commons) 


Objectives of the Electronic Consultations

These two and a half week facilitated e-consultations will provide an opportunity for you to share experiences in your region and learn from others who are involved with AR4D. The consultation is open to all who wish to be involved and begins with participants sharing their individual experiences and lessons learned about what has enabled agricultural technologies to help achieve development impact. The consultations will refer to the issues raised by the regional reviews and will focus on questions such as:


• To what extent do the issues identified in the regional review and the CGIAR analysis capture the key regional research needs for delivering the greatest development impact?
• What are the mechanisms and partnerships that are required for turning research into development impact?
• What are the key blockages, barriers and bottlenecks that prevent agricultural innovation from benefiting the poor?
• How best should these be resolved and what enabling investments, policies, and capacities are most needed?


Your input will contribute to shaping the future of agriculture, as it will directly feed into the regional face-to-face meetings, in turn developing action plans for agricultural research for development around the world. Your input will also be acknowledged in the proceedings and may lead to an invitation to attend the GCARD Conference in Montpellier in March 2010.


Outline of the 2 ½ week regional e-Consultation events

• Pre-event activity – We invite you to browse through the key findings of the regional review and to read an interview with the authors of the reviews;
• Week 1 – Participants introduce themselves and share their experiences and views from the region, relating agricultural innovation to development impact;
• Week 2 – Participants reflect on the issues raised in the preceding week and look at the commonalities between their experiences and the regional review findings. Participants are invited to suggest and discuss reforms to make innovations, which will help to bring about a greater impact on major development needs of the region;
• Week 3 (3 days) – Participants receive a summary of the discussions and make closing remarks. 


English, Spanish, French and Russian, according to the region.  


Schedule of the Regional Consultations

The facilitated consultation will take place between the first and third week of September 2009. The exact dates will be communicated to you upon registration.


How to register to participate

This event is open to all those who are interested in agricultural research for development and innovation and have a specific interest in the region. The consultations are based on electronic dialogues with the possibility to consult and participate via a public Website. To get involved in your region, please go to the following link and choose the regional e-Consultations in which you would participate:


Summaries are posted regularly on the GCARD website. Please go to for comments and further discussion.


To find out more about the first GCARD in Montpellier, France from 28 to 31 March 2010, please click on the link below.


Click here to read more >


Last updated on:
Thu Aug 27 12:59:44 CEST 2009

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