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Future Agricultures International Conference "Seasonality Revisited": call for papers

Call for papers for the conference, focused on the following areas: seasonal Inter-linkages, seasonal Blind-spots, seasonal Trends, methodologies, policies and projects, social protection responses.

The Future Agricultures Consortium together with the Centre for Social Protection is convening a 3–day conference on Seasonality, to be held on Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th July 2009 at IDS Sussex. Funded by the UK Department for International Development (DfID). The Future Agricultures Consortium operates as an international partnership of research institutions, working together to encourage critical debate and policy dialogue on the challenges of establishing and sustaining pro-poor agricultural growth in Africa, through stakeholder-led policy dialogues on future scenarios for agriculture, informed by in-depth field research.

We invite proposals for papers for the conference, focused on the following areas:
seasonal Inter-linkages, seasonal Blind-spots, seasonal Trends, methodologies, policies and projects, social protection responses.

More info can be found here.

The papers should fall broadly within the main themes above. Abstracts of proposed papers (500 words) are due by April 1st, 2009. Applicants will be notified by April 30th. Complete papers are due by May 31st 2009. Papers will be posted on the conference website in advance of the conference. We anticipate that a number of the papers will be collated into a volume, either a book, IDS bulletin or a journal special issue.

Last updated on:
Fri Apr 03 11:41:49 CEST 2009
