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3rd Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology

The 3rd Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology has been published. It contains a number of research topics which are directly related to Agricultural Research for Development and the MDGs, with a special emphasis on Africa. Deadline is January 15th 2009.

The 3rd Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology has  been published: details at

It contains a number of research topics which are directly related to Agricultural Research for Development and the MDGs, with a special emphasis on Africa.

These are the main ones:

(1) Agricultural Innovation Systems & Traditional knowledge (CSA-SA)

(2) Optimisation of methods to maintain animal biodiversity (CP-FP-SICA)

(3) Conservation agriculture in Developing Countries. (CSA-SA)

(4) Improving performance and quality of crops in the context of organic and low-input systems by breeding and management (CP-IP – Targeted opening)

(5) Irrigation water saving solutions for Mediterranean agriculture (CP-FP-SICA)

(6) Water stress tolerance ((large scale integrating project – Targeted opening)

(7) Policy and institutional aspects of sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural development in the Mediterranean partner countries (CP-FP-SICA)


The expected EC contribution for the above projects can be estimated to be around 24 million €.

The deadline for submission is 15 January 2009 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) 

Jean-Luc Khalfaoui
Executive Secretary
European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD)

Last updated on:
Mon Nov 17 12:22:48 CET 2008
