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A new series of the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM starting on 1st October

there will be a new series of the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM starting on 1st October, when the debate is on the World Food Crisis. With increasing economic problems at home, will anyone care about the poorest of the world?

there will be a new series of the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM starting on 1st October, when the debate is on the World Food Crisis. With increasing economic problems at home, will anyone care about the poorest of the world?

The debates are at 7pm at St James's Church in Piccadilly as in the past. They are held each Wednesday.

Full details and an application form are available from our website, which is:

(and then click on GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FORUM).

We ask you to register in advance for security reasons. It is slightly inconvenient but it is for the sake of all of us.

Last updated on:
Mon Oct 06 20:06:47 CEST 2008
