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Bio-fuels Research in the CGIAR: A Perspective from the Science Council

A CGIAR Science Council Policy Statement on Biofuels Production

This ‘position paper’ was motivated by a request from the FAO Assistant Director General (Natural Resource Management and Environment Department) for a policy statement from the SC on the challenges related to the global community’s renewed interest in and attention to biofuels, what the likely implications of this development are for the poor and the environment, and what role the CGIAR is expected to play. This note has benefited from a paper on biofuels by Ken Cassman presented to the SC 8 Meeting at FAO in Rome and subsequent discussions at the SC 9 Meeting in Nairobi, but draws on a number of other sources as well, listed in the References.

You can download the document here.

Last updated on:
Mon Jun 09 10:44:08 CEST 2008
