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GFAR Newsletter - 04/2006

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News from the Secretariat

GFAR 2006 Tentative Programme

Details of the conference programme are still being developed, but the draft programme currently features the following elements. 

Wednesday 8th of November

Several parallel pre-conference events including the following:

GFAR-India day that will feature plenary discussion, demonstrative displays and exhibitions highlighting the contribution of the Indian NARS to the MDGs

Civil Society Consultations on the theme of the conference, the role and contribution of this constituency to future GFAR activities.

Four focused workshops on selected issues raised in the sub-themes

FARA-India bilateral consultation on ARD collaborative activities between Indian and African NARS

Launch of the a new-AGRIS initiative on information communication management

Launch of the Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD) 

Thursday 9th of November

Conference opening ceremony chaired by the President of India, His Excellency APJ Abdul Kalam

Keynote address session

Information sharing sessions with updates from two major assessments - the Millennium Ecosystems Assessment and the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development highlighting implications for agricultural research and development

GFAR triennial report

Parallel working group sessions on the sub-themes

Start of the competitive poster session on: Evidence based contribution of ARD to specified MDGs. 

Friday 10th of November

Parallel sub-theme discussion sessions

GFAR stakeholder groups consultation

Special side events (e.g. European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development side event on north-south collaboration)

Field visits to Agricultural Research Institutions 

Saturday 11th of November

Presentation and discussion of sub-thematic groups reports in Plenary

Presentation and discussion of stakeholder groups reports and statements in Plenary

Results of the Competitive Poster Session

Closing ceremony

The GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference website, which will be available on line at from 1st of June 2006, will have current details on all issues related to the organization of the GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference.


Newsletter Issues

N. 19, 04/2007  
N. 17-18, 01/2007  
N. 16, 04/2006  
N. 15, 12/2005  
N. 14, 09/2005  
N. 13, 05/2005  
N. 12, 12/2004  
N. 11, 10/2004  
N. 10, 08/2004  
N. 09, 04/2004  
N. 08, 12/2003  
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003  
N. 05, 12/2002  
N. 04, 10/2002  
N. 03, 08/2002  
N. 02, 04/2002  
N. 01, 03/2001  
N. 00, 12/2000  


GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO (SDR), viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898 E-mail: Webmaster: