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GFAR Newsletter - 04/2006

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World Farmers Congress in Seoul, May 13th-20th 2006

Farmers from various parts of the globe will converge on Seoul, in the Republic of Korea, for the 37th edition of the World Farmer's Congress. Farmers from the 116 affiliated national organizations spread over 83 countries world wide will converge on Seoul not only to participate in this 37th congress, but also to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of their Federation, the International Federation of Producers (IFAP).

The theme of the congress is 60 years of empowering farmers for diversity, for sustainability, for health, for peace. A rich programme of discussion on several topics of interest to farmers worldwide has been put together to make this congress memorable.

GFAR will be represented at this land mark occasion to participate in the Congress and celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of one of its own. We wish all the participants fruitful deliberations with the hope that the outputs of this congress will contribute in some way to the aspirations and hopes of farmers worldwide, that of making a decent living, while contributing to the food security goals of their household, local and global communities.

We invite our readers to consult the congress site on the website of IFAP ( for more information on the congress including the outputs which will be published in the near future.


Newsletter Issues

N. 19, 04/2007  
N. 17-18, 01/2007  
N. 16, 04/2006  
N. 15, 12/2005  
N. 14, 09/2005  
N. 13, 05/2005  
N. 12, 12/2004  
N. 11, 10/2004  
N. 10, 08/2004  
N. 09, 04/2004  
N. 08, 12/2003  
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003  
N. 05, 12/2002  
N. 04, 10/2002  
N. 03, 08/2002  
N. 02, 04/2002  
N. 01, 03/2001  
N. 00, 12/2000  


GFAR Secretariat
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