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GFAR Newsletter - 04/2006

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News from the Regional Fora

FARA: New partnership with the African Union

FARA signed an agreement with the African Union in October 2006, in which it becomes the Technical Arm of the AU's Department of rural economy and agriculture. This new development completes the strong link of FARA to African political bodies to whom FARA relates for support on policy issues and most importantly to NEPAD's CAADP.
This promising partnership started immediately, when FARA organized a visit to Hunger Hot Spot such as Niger in October 2006. The AU's commissioner for rural economy and agriculture, H.E. Rosebud Kurwijila, graced the tour together with the FARA Chairperson, Mme Njabulo Nduli. The tour provided insight on how different organizations (from government agencies to civil society organizations) could still profit from better coordination of efforts towards a common goal. The AU Commissioner appreciated the efforts of FARA to understand the details at the grassroot level. She recognized that FARA could indeed provide guidance to AU in handling disaster prevention and management measures, among other issues identified in the CAADP pillar four and AU's strategic plan.

Newsletter Issues

N. 19, 04/2007  
N. 17-18, 01/2007  
N. 16, 04/2006  
N. 15, 12/2005  
N. 14, 09/2005  
N. 13, 05/2005  
N. 12, 12/2004  
N. 11, 10/2004  
N. 10, 08/2004  
N. 09, 04/2004  
N. 08, 12/2003  
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003  
N. 05, 12/2002  
N. 04, 10/2002  
N. 03, 08/2002  
N. 02, 04/2002  
N. 01, 03/2001  
N. 00, 12/2000  


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