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GFAR Newsletter - 01/2007

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News from the Secretariat

2nd GFAR External Evaluation Report

The 2nd GFAR External Evaluation Report has been submitted by the evaluators and placed for consideration by the GFAR Steering Committee. The evaluators in their report state that GFAR has made a remarkable move in the right direction and it is largely recognized that the vision which led to the creation of GFAR, and which was confirmed by the 2000 review, is still valid today. They also indicate that because of the activities undertaken within the framework of GFAR, there is greater acknowledgement of the relevance of a regional and global approach to research. The recommendations from the report are now being considered by the GFAR Steering Committee and the GFAR Secretariat. The report is available here.


Newsletter Issues

N. 19, 04/2007  
N. 17-18, 01/2007  
N. 16, 04/2006  
N. 15, 12/2005  
N. 14, 09/2005  
N. 13, 05/2005  
N. 12, 12/2004  
N. 11, 10/2004  
N. 10, 08/2004  
N. 09, 04/2004  
N. 08, 12/2003  
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003  
N. 05, 12/2002  
N. 04, 10/2002  
N. 03, 08/2002  
N. 02, 04/2002  
N. 01, 03/2001  
N. 00, 12/2000  


GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO (SDR), viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898 E-mail: Webmaster: