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Issue 16, 04/2006

In this Issue

This first issue of our newsletter contains news from and about a variety of GFAR stakeholders including the GFAR Secretariat. The Secretariat provided updates on a number of important activities and events ...
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News from the Secretariat

GFAR 2006 Tentative Programme

Details of the conference programme are still being developed, but the draft programme currently features the following elements ...
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10 years after: GFAR's 2nd External Evaluation

This year, 2006, is GFAR's 10th anniversary. It is also 5 years since GFAR's first External Evaluation of GFAR. The second External Evaluation is taking place this year and contemplates an overview of the institution and its achievements since its creation ...
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New Chair of GFAR takes over in June 2006

Dr Adel el-Beltagy, the chair designate of GFAR, will take over the mantle of leading GFAR over the next three years from June 1st 2006 when he will preside over his first GFAR Management Team Meeting ...
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The GFAR document repository

The GFAR document repository has been established with key objective to bring information closer to the people who really need it. In line with the main goals of the re-design of EGFAR and with specific regard to documents ...
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News from the Secretariat - GPPs

PROLINNOVA 3rd Partners' Meeting

The 3rd Prolinnova Partners' Meeting was held from 5-10 March 2006 in Cambodia. Agriculture Minister Chan Sarun delivered the Keynote Address during the Opening Ceremony held at Juliana Hotel in Phnom Penh ...
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Global NTFP Partnership launched in Marrakech

On December 2, 2005, the Global Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Partnership was officially launched in Marrakech. Despite their vital importance for the livelihoods of many millions of rural dwellers, non timber forest products have not received the kind of institutional and financial investments ...
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GFAR reviews its Global Partnerships Programme Mechanism

A two-man review team composed of Julian Gonsalves (India) and Oumar Niangado (Mali) are in the process of undertaking an internally commissioned review of GFAR's Global Partnership Programme (GPP) mechanism for promoting and learning about building multi-stakeholder partnerships ...
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Towards a Global Partnership Programme on Linking Farmers to Markets

Important steps are being taken this year to culminate the preparatory phase of a Global Partnership Programme (GPP) on the theme of Linking Smallholder Farmers to Growth Markets. Building on the consultations spearheaded by FAO-AGS and GFAR, and supported by the Post-harvest Action (PhAction) group of institutions ...
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News from the Regional Fora

News from the Regional Fora - AARINENA

The Meeting of the ad hoc Committee for a GPP on the theme of Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets

AARINENA has launched the Post-harvest Initiative in the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Region before four years from Cairo. It is the pioneer in confirming the importance of post-harvest, marketing and enterprise related activities ...
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News from the Regional Fora - APAARI

APAARI and the drafting of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement

APAARI in collaboration with IPGRI organized a meeting of the Asian Representatives nominated by the Chairs of the FAO Regional Groups for the drafting of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) ...
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The APAARI General Assembly

The APAARI General Assembly will be held in New Delhi, India from the 6th to the 8th of November 2006. The theme of the meeting is "Agricultural Innovations: Linking Farmers to Market" ...
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News from the Regional Fora - FARA

FARA: New partnership with the African Union

FARA signed an agreement with the African Union in October 2006, in which it becomes the Technical Arm of the AU's Department of rural economy and agriculture. This new development completes the strong link of FARA to African political bodies ...
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FARA: The African platform for agricultural information and learning systems (RAILS)

Although there have been enormous exchange of agricultural information globally, African national agricultural research systems have been left behind. Several international service providers provide different systems to facilitate exchange of information through internet or other media ...
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FARA: a Framework for African Agricultural Productivity Programs

FARA is leading the process of developing a framework for African agricultural productivity programs (FAAP) that could provide guidance to the much needed evolution of African agricultural research systems ...
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News from the other Stakeholders

The SSA NGO Consortium

Since the Entebbe meeting, it has been a busy period for the Consortium. In October 2005, the management of the Consortium met with other FARA stakeholders including representatives from the Sub-regional organizations ...
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CSOs: Environmental Alert wins Energy Globe's World Award

Environmental Alert (EA) won the first prize in the category earth of "Energy Globe Award" for its project on Integrated Nutrient Management to attain sustainable productivity increases in East African Farming systems (INMASP) ...
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World Farmers Congress in Seoul, May 13th-20th 2006

Farmers from various parts of the globe will converge on Seoul, in the Republic of Korea, for the 37th edition of the World Farmer's Congress. Farmers from the 116 affiliated national organizations spread over 83 countries world wide ...
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The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) defines its research priorities for 2005-2015

The Science Council (SC) of the CGIAR initiated a process of System-level priority setting, in line with its aim to help develop a more cohesive and better-focused, high-quality research program to alleviate poverty, hunger, and malnutrition ...
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Newsletter Issues

N. 19, 04/2007  
N. 17-18, 01/2007  
N. 16, 04/2006  
N. 15, 12/2005  
N. 14, 09/2005  
N. 13, 05/2005  
N. 12, 12/2004  
N. 11, 10/2004  
N. 10, 08/2004  
N. 09, 04/2004  
N. 08, 12/2003  
N. 07, 08/2003
N. 06, 05/2003  
N. 05, 12/2002  
N. 04, 10/2002  
N. 03, 08/2002  
N. 02, 04/2002  
N. 01, 03/2001  
N. 00, 12/2000  


GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO (SDR), viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153, Rome
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898 E-mail: Webmaster: