The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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  GCARD 2010
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Global Forum's events


1) The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD): 28/03/2010 - 31/03/2010, Montpellier, FRA
2) Science Forum 2009: 16/06/2009 - 17/06/2009, Wageningen, NLD
3) Science Forum 2009 Workshop: ICTs transforming agricultural science, research and technology generation: 16/06/2009 - 17/06/2009, Wageningen, NLD
4) GFAR Statutory Meetings, 26-28 November 2008: 26/11/2008 - 28/11/2008, Maputo, MOZ
5) Workshop and Sessions on "Adoption of ICT Enabled Information Systems for Agricultural Development and Rural Viability" (at IAALD-AFITA-WCCA 2008): 24/08/2008 - 27/08/2008, Atsugi (Tokyo), JPN
6) GFAR Statutory Meetings, July-August 2008, Montevideo: 31/07/2008 - 01/08/2008, Montevideo, URY
7) DURAS Project Closing Seminar: 11/06/2008 - 13/06/2008, Rome, ITA
8) GFAR Statutory Meetings, Autumn 2007, Beijing, China: 28/11/2007 - 01/12/2007, Beijing, CHN
9) EGFAR Taskforce Meeting during the e-Agriculture Week: 26/09/2007 - 26/09/2007, Rome, ITA
10) Inter-Regional Consultation on ICM4ARD: 26/09/2007 - 26/09/2007, Rome, ITA
11) ERA-ARD Conference: "ARD in Europe: towards a shared vision": 28/06/2007 - 29/06/2007, Brussels, BEL
12) 4th FARA General Assembly & African Agricultural Science Week: 10/06/2007 - 15/06/2007, Johannesburg, ZAF
13) GFAR Retreat March-April 2007: 29/03/2007 - 01/04/2007, Alexandria, EGY
14) RAILS Implementation Workshop: 17/01/2007 - 19/01/2007, Accra, GHA
15) GFAR Statutory Meetings 2006: 30/11/2006 - 03/12/2006, Washington, USA
16) GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference: 09/11/2006 - 11/11/2006, New Delhi, IND

from the EGFAR Open Site:

1) The 3rd African Congress for Scientific Research & Technology: 01/11/2009 - 03/11/2009, Cairo, EGY
2) CABI Global Summit - Food Security in a climate of change: 19/10/2009 - 21/10/2009, London, GBR
3) International seminar on the "Role of the media in agricultural development in ACP countries: 12/10/2009 - 16/10/2009, Brussels, BEL
4) The Africa Arab Agro-Invesment Conference 2009: 28/09/2009 - 30/09/2009, Zanzibar, TZA
5) Joint annual conference of the North-South Centre and the Energy Science Centre: "Competing Claims on Energy 09: Access and benefit sharing": 10/09/2009 - 11/09/2009, Zurich, CHE
6) 1st All Africa Horticulture Congress "Grown under the sun": 31/08/2009 - 03/09/2009, Nairobi, KEN
7) 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry (WCA2): call for abstracts, deadline 30 November 2008: 23/08/2009 - 28/08/2009, Nairobi, KEN
8) TERI program 2009-2010: three-week course on 'Application of Bio-technology and its regulation': 04/08/2009 - 21/08/2009, Delhi and TERI regional centers in India, IND
9) Course: Facilitating multi-stkeholder processes and social learning: 22/06/2009 - 26/06/2009, Wageningen, NLD
10) IAMO Forum 2009: 20 Years of Transition in Agriculture: What Has Been achieved? Where Are We Heading?: 17/06/2009 - 19/06/2009, Halle (Saale), DEU
11) Course: Climate change adaptation in agriculture and natrual resources management: 15/06/2009 - 26/06/2009, Addis Ababa, ETH
12) Joined Conference of EUROGI, INSPIRE, PROGIS, CAGI: 12/05/2009 - 13/05/2009, Prague, CZE
13) International Seminar on 'G'localization of Food Trade: 17/04/2009 - 17/04/2009, Brussels, BEL
14) Food and Nutrition Security Course, Wageningen International: 30/03/2009 - 12/06/2009, Wageningen, NLD
15) Final Report of the Science & Technology Europe-Africa Project Workshop: 26/03/2009 - 27/03/2009, Nariobi, KEN
16) 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture: 04/02/2009 - 07/02/2009, Delhi, IND
17) 9th International Conference on Dryland Development: 07/11/2008 - 10/11/2008, Alexandria, EGY
18) International Banana Conference 2008: 05/10/2008 - 09/10/2008, Mombasa, KEN
19) International Symposium on Integrated Sustainable Livelihood Development in Mountain Forest areas: 15/09/2008 - 18/09/2008, Lin'an city, Zhejiang province, CHN
20) World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT (IAALD AFITA WCCA 2008): 24/08/2008 - 27/08/2008, Atsugi (Tokyo), JPN
21) 1er Atelier International d'Ecologie et Gestion des Communautés de Nématodes Phytoparasites dans les Ecosystèmes Sud-Méditerranéens: 17/03/2008 - 19/03/2008, Sousse, TUN
22) CGIAR Annual General Meeting 2007, Bejing: 03/12/2007 - 07/12/2007, Bejing, CHN
23) National Mango Congress in the Philippines: 21/11/2007 - 23/11/2007, Tagaytay City, Province of Cavite, PHL
24) Special Session on Agricultural Metadata & Semantics at the 2nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research: 11/10/2007 - 12/10/2007, Corfu, GRC
25) 2nd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables: 09/10/2007 - 12/10/2007, Houston, Texas, USA
26) Farmer-led documentation: Local knowledge sharing in an agricultural context: 28/09/2007 - 28/09/2007, Rome, ITA
27) Web2forDev Conference - Participatory Web for Development: 25/09/2007 - 27/09/2007, Rome, ITA
28) e-Agriculture Week: 21/09/2007 - 28/09/2007, Rome, ITA
29) Awareness Raising Conference on Horticulture for Development: 25/06/2007 - 25/06/2007, Brussels, BEL
30) AGROVOC E-Conference: 01/05/2007 - 30/06/2007, -, -
31) Fourth World Congress of Rural Women: 23/04/2007 - 26/04/2007, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, ZAF
32) Agriscontent Taskforce Meeting: 01/03/2007 - 02/03/2007, Wageningen, NLD
33) Interactive Forest and Nature Policy in Practice: 27/11/2006 - 08/12/2006, Bogor, IDN
34) International Training Workshop on Bamboo-based Production and Enterprise Management: 20/11/2006 - 29/11/2006, Kudal, IND

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