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GCARD 2010
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Of the developing world’s 5.5 billion people, nearly half live in rural areas. An estimated 2.5 billion (86%) depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (World Development Report 2008). By better understanding the development needs and demands of the rural poor in particular, GCARD 2010 aims to ensure that agricultural research will have the greatest possible value in delivering change in their lives. The processes underway are already producing exciting new ideas on how all those involved in agricultural research for development can become more relevant, more responsive and more accountable to the poor whom they serve.

What has GCARD 2010 got to do with you?

Are you:
  • A farmer in a developing country, or someone who works in agricultural or rural development?
  • An agricultural extension worker or someone who works in a farmer organisation or a department of agriculture?
  • An agri-business entrepreneur or a member of the private sector?
  • A current funder of agricultural development?
  • A member of a rural community group or civil society organisation?
  • A researcher and concerned about the future of agricultural research and innovation?
  • Is it important to you that agricultural research delivers workable development results that will lessen poverty?
If the answer to any of those questions is ‘yes’, then you are one of the people we want to help us reshape agricultural research so that it delivers what you want. To really change the global agricultural research system, we need your input. This means we want to hear your voice in the months running up to GCARD 2010, at the meeting itself, and as we work together after the event to bring about changes.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be involved in the transformation of agricultural research – in making profound and lasting changes that will really make a difference to the poor. Want to get involved? Click here to find out how you can get your opinions heard.

Want to find out more?

Register here to receive email updates on the GCARD process:

Last updated on:
Tue Sep 15 18:48:34 CEST 2009