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GCARD and the CGIAR change process

How does GCARD link to other big developments like the CGIAR reform process?

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) reform process currently underway includes a review of global processes and assessments to frame the strategic operation of the international agricultural research centres. Consideration of the CGIAR Strategic Framework and impact-driven programs will be included in the consultation process as they evolve, to ensure that their focus, mutual accountability and relevance meet national development needs.

Through survey questionnaires and modelling of potential impacts, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is also seeking to improve the strategic focus of its research to improve agriculture, forestry, livestock and fish production, and many other aspects related to rural development. Their aim is to ensure that its research has maximal impact on development goals.

The most current Information on the CGIAR Change Management, the Alliance activities for Change and the Strategic and Results Framework and the proposed Mega-programmes can be found here:

CGIAR Change Management Updates: 

CGIAR TMT Updates:

Alliance link on the Strategic and Results Framework: 

Last updated on:
Tue Sep 15 18:48:34 CEST 2009