The Global Forum on Agricultural Research
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GCARD 2010 material by session

See full original programme here.

Day 1 - Reshaping the future of agriculture together

10:30 - 11:30 Opening ceremony

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11:30 - 13:15 Reshaping agricultural research systems to meet the needs of the poor
(Moderator: Prof. Ismail Serageldin)

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
14:45 - 16:15 Partnership for a better future (Moderator: Prof. Sir Gordon Conway)

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
16:15 - 18:00 Investing for a better future (Moderator: Dr. Margaret Catley-Carlson)

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
18:00 - 18:30 Synthesis and Close of session

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

Day 2  - What are the challenges we need to address?

08:30 - 08:40 Dr David Nabarro - Video Address by the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on Food Security and Nutrition 

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
08:30 - 09:00 Dr Monty Jones, Building a shared vision for change

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
09:00 - 13:00 Building from regional expressions of demand
Region-by-region presentations focusing on highlights emerging from the recent consultations and the issues they have raised.

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
14:30 - 16:00 Where can collective efforts in international agricultural research make most difference in development? 
Plenary presentation, CGIAR Consortium 

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
16:30 - 18:00 Transforming agricultural research for development, Dr Uma Lele (Lead Author) 
Plenary address by GCARD Global Author Team (Dr Uma Lele, Professor Jules Pretty, Dr Eugene Terry, Dr Edoardo Trigo) 

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
18:30 - 20.00

Awards ceremonies

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

Day 3 - What do we need to do better? Strengthening the impact of agricultural research in development

Morning Session Better targeting collective actions – research themes identified for international agricultural research

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
08:30 - 09:00 Introduction to the large-scale collective-action programmes proposed by the CGIAR and their relationship to national and regional development agendas and other required investments 

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
09:00 - 12:30 Parallel discussion sessions  
Thematic areas
1. Agricultural systems for the poor and vulnerable, Dr Maarten van Ginkel (ICARDA) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

2. Enabling agricultural incomes for the poor, Dr Charles Crissman (CIP) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

3. Optimizing productivity of global food security crops, Dr Marianne Banziger (CIMMYT) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

4. Agriculture, nutrition and health, Dr Marie Ruel (IFPRI) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

5. Water, soils and ecosystems, Dr David Molden (IWMI) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

6. Forests and trees, Dr Andrew Taber (CIFOR) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

7. Climate change and agriculture, Dr Andrew Jarvis (CIAT) 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

8. Agricultural biodiversity, Dr Kwesi Atta-Krah (Bioversity International)
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

Afternoon Session

What needs to change for agricultural research and extension systems to be more effective agents of development? 
14.00 - 18.00 Parallel sessions: discussion of key strategic needs across systems 
 • Improving partnerships 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Addressing gender for inclusive development
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Capacity development
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Role of the fast-growing economies as new providers
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Knowledge, information and advice in agri-food systems; opportunities and Actions
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Thinking forward: better predicting and addressing future needs
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Better benefiting the poor through public-private partnerships for innovation and action
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

 • Managing risks to farmers in a time of change 
Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

18.30 - 20.00 Open science

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  

Day 4 - Development of a roadmap for collective action

08:30 - 08:40 Mr Kofi Annan – Video Address 

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
08:40 - 10:30 Report to plenary by rapporteurs on the specific actions developed through the parallel sessions on Day 3

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
11:00 - 12:00 Refinement and key elements of the RoadMAP (Montpellier Action Plan) to improve the value of agricultural research in development at national, regional and international levels

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  
12:00 - 13:00 Closing remarks including handover to the incoming GFAR Chair

Presentations  |  Videos  |  Background documents  



Last updated on:
Tue Jun 15 17:56:57 CEST 2010

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