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Global Forum on Agricultural Research

Competitive Grants Schemes - The DURAS Project


The DURAS Project (Promotion du Développement Durable dans les Systèmes de Recherche Agricole du Sud) is a joint GFAR-Agropolis competitive grant scheme to encourage and promote innovation, to scale up innovative practices developed in the south and to enhance scientific capacity of southern partners through partnerships. It’s a three-year project funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is a Type 2 Initiative under the World Summit for Sustainable Development, referred to as Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Type 2 Initiatives are voluntary multi-stakeholder partnerships programmes which contribute to the implementation of inter-governmental commitments in Agenda 21, and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. Thus, through the DURAS project, stakeholders in agricultural research are able to contribute concretely to the outcomes of the WSSD and other international agreements in furthering sustainable development. 

Last updated on:
Tue Nov 06 12:29:19 CET 2007


A Statement from GFAR to the FAO High-Level Conference  
On behalf of the global community for research for development, we call on all people of the world to take stock of the central importance of agriculture to their lives in the way they use and consume natural resources...


GFAR Statutory Meetings, July-August 2008, Montevideo 
2008-07-31 - 2008-08-01
Montevideo, URY

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