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Global Forum on Agricultural Research


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This page contains only news on activities carried on by GFAR per se. For a comprehensive overview of news and events from both GFAR and its stakeholders, go to the What's new section.

A Statement to the FAO High-Level Conference from the Global Forum on Agricultural Research, on behalf of all those concerned with agricultural research for development  
(Published 30/05/2008)
On behalf of the global community for research for development, we call on all people of the world to take stock of the central importance of agriculture to their lives in the way they use and consume natural resources...

Call for Nominations for the Executive Board of the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme  
(Published 21/01/2008)
The Steering Committee of the Generation Challenge Programme has invited the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and other relevant bodies to nominate qualified candidates...

Dr. Mark Holderness appointed as GFAR Executive Secretary  
(Published 13/11/2007)
Dr. Mark Holderness has been appointed as new Executive Secretary of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). He is currently Director of Membership and Partnerships for CAB International.

New publication: "Proposed Architecture and Workflow for Managing and Sharing Distributed Information on Organizations Using a Central Registry File"  
(Published 05/11/2007)
GFAR and FAO presented a paper at the Special Session on Agricultural Metadata & Semantics of the MTSR'07 Conference, Greece, October 11-12, 2007.

Communiqué after the GFAR Retreat in Alexandria, March 30th - April 1st 2007  
(Published 05/04/2007)
Representatives of GFAR Stakeholders met from 30th to 1st April 2007 in Alexandria, Egypt, to formulate the central theme, direction and priorities through a business plan for GFAR for the next 3 years.

Minutes of the last GFAR Statutory Meetings  
(Published 12/03/2007)
The minutes of the last GFAR Statutory Meetings, held in Washington D.C., USA, on November 30th - December 2nd 2006, are available.

New Executive Secretary ad interim for GFAR  
(Published 08/03/2007)
The Global Forum on Agricultural research has a new Executive Secretary ad interim. Dr. Abdelmajid Slama, from Tunisia, was appointed on February 6th 2007.

GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference Report  
(Published 23/02/2007)
The GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference Report is now available for download.

GFAR 2006 Outputs  
(Published 22/12/2006)
See the GFAR 2006 website for updates on the GFAR 2006 outputs...

The new GFAR Document Repository in AGRIS  
(Published 13/12/2006)
Thanks to the AGRIS AP export, GFAR is now an AGRIS Center and the GFAR documents are available in the AGRIS Network.



Publication from PROLINNOVA: "Innovation Africa: enriching farmers' livelihoods"  
This book features a selection of contributions to the Innovation Africa Symposium (November 2006, Kampala, Africa) reflecting cutting-edge thinking and practice in agricultural innovation system approaches in Africa. Reduced price for advance bulk orders.

ICM4ARD: Application Profile for describing Organizations  
FAO and GFAR have proposed a new Application Profile (a metadata standard) for describing Organizations in the agricultural sector.

All the News >>

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