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The web space of the
Global Forum on Agricultural Research

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Who we are

 The meeting place for all concerned with agricultural research 

 Valuing different perspectives and strengths, learning from each other 

 Innovation deriving from the knowledge and interaction of different partners

 Empowering communities to generate their own solutions

We are you  GFAR

 ⇒ Farmers
putting communities at the centre of research 

⇒ Civil Society
a voice for the needs of the disadvantaged 

⇒ National Agricultural Research & Extension
capable, relevant and valued systems meeting the needs of the poor 

⇒ Private Sector
effective & responsible input delivery & markets 

⇒ International Research Centers
effectively connected to their intended beneficiaries 

⇒ Fundamental Research Institutions
‘upstream’ research driven by real needs 

⇒ Donor organizations
fulfilling development aims through explicitly demand-driven processes.

Last updated on:
Fri Mar 13 12:00:55 CET 2009

Who we are
About GFAR  
Mission & Strategic Objectives  
Governance and Organization  

See also:

Committees Members  

Minutes of Statutory Meetings  

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Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898
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