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In this issue...


Highlights of the Statutory Meetings at Marrakech

High Level Consultation on Biodiversity and MDGs

FARA: Inclusive Research Partnership

IFAP Research Committee

High Value Crops Workshop


DURAS Project Leaders' Workshop

The first Meeting of the YPARD

GFAR-DURAS Roundtable on CGS



GFAR Communications Strategy

The re-redesign of EGFAR


GFAR is pleased to announce that
the Indian Government has kindly agreed to host

the third GFAR General Conference.

It will be held at
New Delhi, from 9-11th November, 2006
at the National Agricultural Science Center
of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research.

The theme of the Triennial Conference will be
"Reorienting Agricultural Research to meet the Millennium Development Goals".

The GFAR conference will follow immediately the 2006 APAARI General Assembly
meeting held at the same venue from 6-8th November, 2006.

Preparation for GFAR Triennial Conference 2006 have started.
GFAR Secretariat will soon provide information on participating in the Conference.

Please take note and reserve your dates for the Conference.

For further information, see:


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GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO, SDR, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898