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In this issue...


Highlights of the Statutory Meetings at Marrakech

High Level Consultation on Biodiversity and MDGs

FARA: Inclusive Research Partnership

IFAP Research Committee

High Value Crops Workshop


DURAS Project Leaders' Workshop

The first Meeting of the YPARD

GFAR-DURAS Roundtable on CGS


GFAR Communications Strategy

The re-redesign of EGFAR


DURAS Project Leaders' Workshop held

Prior to full implementation of the 12 projects selected under the DURAS Competitive Grants, the DURAS Project Office organized a workshop that brought together all the Project coordinators and their European collaborators from 11-14 October 2005 in Montpellier (France).

Participants in the DURAS Project Leaders' Workshop
held on 11-14 October 2005, Montpellier (France)

During the workshop, project coordinators discussed the potential contribution of their respective projects to sustainable development (SD) and what indicators could be used to measure it. As they were not able to draw a conclusion on this, it was agreed that the process of identifying indicators covering the economic, ecological and social dimensions of SD will be continued in consultation with their other partners.

Also discussed during the workshop was the framework for progress reporting. The 12 projects will provide Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports. These progress reports will cover four critical success factors in project implementation: (1) meeting project objectives; (2) timeliness; (3) functional involvement of stakeholders; and (4) dissemination of scientific outputs.

Financial Reporting Framework as well as information and communication tools which can be used to facilitate interaction among project coordinators, including dissemination of project results, were agreed upon during the Workshop.

Oliver Oliveros
DURAS project coordinator

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