Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition


August 2003

Issue 7/2003
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Pre-GFAR 2003 CSO Workshop

Keynote Addresses

From Dresden to Dakar

Roundtable Discussions

Poster Session

Side Events

Sub-plenary Session on GPPs

Stakeholder Consultations

GFAR 2003 Conference Evaluation




List of Acronyms 


Stakeholder Consultations

Donor Community

In the afternoon of the second day of the conference, stakeholder groups deliberated on their future contribution to GFAR, particularly on issues that each constituency group deemed critical for inclusion in the GFAR Business Plan 2004-2006 and in which they propose to be actively involved in the coming three years. The seven stakeholder groups were asked to provide some feedback on emerging issues outlined by the keynote speakers, and to suggest ways on how to improve their involvement in ARD activities at the sub-regional, regional and global levels. They also deliberated on strategies to improve their representation in various decision- and policy-making mechanisms at these different levels. Comprehensive terms of reference outlining the above discussion issues and others were provided to participants (Boxes 13-17 and 19-21).

Box 13. Guidelines for the Stakeholder Group Meetings

The GFAR stakeholder group consultation sessions provide a unique opportunity for the stakeholder constituencies to discuss and prepare for the full range of topics that have been or are to be addressed during the conference, and to evaluate the outcomes of the conference from a specific stakeholder perspective.

The three specific objectives of these sessions are to:

  • allow each constituency group to express its evaluation of the conference organization and outputs
  • formulate its stakeholder statement which will be delivered by a person designated by them at the closing session
  • discuss a range of issues that the constituency group deems critical for the development of the next GFAR business plan in which the constituency proposes to be actively involved in the coming three years.

Practical arrangements

  • Grouping in this session will be strictly by stakeholder group and participants are only allowed to join the stakeholder group to which they belong
  • Each group will be assigned to meet in a given room which will be announced during the conference.

Roundtable mechanics

With the exception of the NARS, management of the groups is left to the groups themselves as no pre-assigned facilitators will be provided. However, to aid in the preparation of a synthesis, the groups must nominate a facilitator and rapporteur. The Chair of GFAR will lead the NARS stakeholder consultation, and no facilitators will be provided. However, the group must select a rapporteur.

  • The facilitator will animate the discussions and ensure that the objectives are met and that most participants have the opportunity to express their views and opinions on the subject. It is important that the facilitator is able to elicit concrete recommendations on the subject.
  • The rapporteur will be responsible for capturing the salient points in the discussion. He/she will have to make sure that issues raised and agreements reached are documented. All rapporteurs will meet in the evening with the GFAR Management Team to synthesize discussion outputs which will then be presented the following day in Plenary Session III. Facilitators are welcome to join.

A set of issues for discussion will be provided by the GFAR Secretariat for the consideration of the groups. Background documents, if any, will also be made available.

It will be difficult for the synthesis group to analyze and capture the richness and diversity of discussion in the groups. In order to capture the main contributions of the participants, it is critical that the rapporteurs follow the attached guidelines and report the results in the same format.

Expected output and plenary session reports

The expected outputs of these sessions include:

  • Stakeholder assessments of the conference as a constituency
  • Stakeholder statements to be presented at the end of the conference, with mention of the specific points of importance to their constituency and identification of some GFAR activities that they suggest be in the GFAR business plan for the coming three years. These are activities in which they want to be actively involved, and possibly take a leading responsibility in their implementation.

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Donor representatives focused their discussion on three main issues. (1) SWOT analysis of the GFAR initiative; (2) key mechanisms for improving GFAR funding strategy; and (3) an expression of interest in the initiative.

With regards to the SWOT analysis, the lack of a long-term funding strategy and the unstable staffing situation at the GFAR Secretariat were highlighted as major concerns. They nevertheless renewed their commitment and interest in the principles that underpin GFAR, including its innovative collaborative programmes. The apparent instability in the Secretariat was viewed as a normal threat experienced by every new initiative. They identified a number real current and future opportunities offered by the evolving international agenda including the WSSD, NEPAD and the G8 summit in Evian, France and encouraged GFAR to seize such opportunities.

Some of the approaches and mechanisms proposed to improve the current funding situation were: (1) broaden and secure funding mechanism for both the Secretariat and the implementation of stakeholder-led initiatives; (2) improve transparency in the allocation of the financial resources across regions, stakeholder groups and thematic priorities; (3) encourage cost-sharing activities for the development of inter-stakeholder platforms; (4) improve coordination of funding within the donor support group; (5) in-kind contributions from various donors; (6) the new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between FAO and IFAD; and (7) innovative mechanisms to consolidate the Secretariat staffing through APOs, visiting experts and volunteers.

Consistent with the discussion, preliminary pledges were made by FAO, IFAD, European Commission, Canada (IDRC and CIDA), France, Italy and The Netherlands. Further commitments are expected from Germany, Switzerland and Great Britain.

Box 20. Issues for Discussion: Donor Community

This consultation is expected to serve as an opportunity for GFAR to involve a broader platform of donors potentially interested in supporting the activities led by GFAR. This particular consultation will allow a face-to-face dialogue involving multi- and bilateral donors to openly discuss various expectations from their points of view and concerns as well as their related commitments towards the GFAR business plan

Points for discussion

GFAR invites the donor community involved in ARD to deliberate their future contribution to the GFAR initiative, and would like to solicit specific feedback on the following issues:

  • discuss common perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of GFAR funding strategy since the launching of GFAR and discuss what could be a desirable budget for the basic functions of the GFAR Secretariat
  • identify the key funding mechanisms and priorities, which would have to be integrated into a funding strategy for GFAR
  • discuss potential roles of various donors and of GFAR in advancing its sustainable funding strategy.

Naturally these are suggestions of issues that could be discussed, therefore please add any other issues you feel are of relevance to GFAR as you deliberate and consult amongst yourselves. Your conclusions and recommendations should be such that we can use them as components of a framework for the next GFAR business plan.

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GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO, SDR, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898