September 2005

Issue 14/2005
  to receive GFAR Newsletter regularly


GFAR Secretariat News

Feature article

International Workshop on High Value Products

DURAS Competitive Grants: updates


News from the Regional Fora

Sub-saharan Africa

West Asia & North Africa

Latin America & the Caribbean

Asia Pacific

News from the other Stakeholders

Civil Society Organizations


In this issue

This is the second issue of the newsletter this year, and as in the recent past issues this one contains a feature article as well as a profile article on a civil society organization. The feature article titled north-south collaboration based on ARD agenda of southern regional forums, was presented during the recent EFARD conference in Zurich, and makes the case that south-north collaboration should be built on the identified priorities when there is a congruence of concerns and priorities between the two parties. The CSO profile article is on the Sociedad Rural Argentina, a private non-for profit organization that seeks to foster and promote the development of farming activities in the country. It boasts of well over 7000 members comprised of large, medium and small sized farmers, and appears to be well organized, structured and equipped to cater to the needs of its members.

Interesting news from the Secretariat include an announcement on a forthcoming workshop on high value products for smallholder farmers, information on projects selected to receive grants from the DURAS competitive fund, the output of an on-going effort to explore avenues for collaboration between the SSA-CP and the Global Post Harvest Initiative, and brief reports on the FARA General Assembly last June and efforts being made by a very active GPP (PROLINNOVA) to harmonize Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation approaches that could be used across its country programmes.
Our regional forums answered the call to provide some update on current and near future planned activities and you will find such updates from AARINENA, APAARI, FARA and FORAGRO. Finally you will find some information on a recent initiative to establish a platform for young stakeholders in ARD with the objective of stimulating, encouraging and motivating young people to become more active in ARD. This variety of topics and issues makes interesting reading and constitutes a source of valuable information.

Bonne lecture.



GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO, SDR, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898