August 2004

Issue 10/2004
  to receive GFAR Newsletter regularly


GFAR Secretariat News

Feature article


Past Events

GFAR Statutory Meetings


GFAR Stakeholder Committee of the GCP

News from the Regional Fora



West Asia & North Africa

Inter-Regional Activities

News from the other Stakeholders

Farmers' Organizations



In this issue

Under the news from the secretariat section, we continue with the innovative idea of a feature article addressing a topical issue of interest to GFAR stakeholders and others. This time we present to you an article on Policies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

Other items you will find in this section are:

A short description of some important and interesting meetings attended by the Secretariat with links to the papers presented at those meetings.

Information on the GFAR Stakeholder Committee of the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP). This committee was created and mandated to provide advice the Program Steering Committee (PSC) of the CP so that the views, experience and perspectives of various stakeholders are reflected in the overall policies guiding the CP. You will find some information on the committee including its membership, mandate and immediate future plans in this section.

An update on the GLOBAL.RAIS initiative facilitated by the Secretariat over the last two years, with information on the achievements to date, and next steps.

An invitation to all stakeholders to participate in a competitive funding initiative - the DURAS competitive grant scheme. The DURAS Project is a three-year project supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The competitive grant is open to all stakeholders especially from Africa, Near East and some parts of Asia.

Some very interesting and informative news form various stakeholder groups take up the middle part of the newsletter. Contributing stakeholders in this issue are: EFARD, EARD-InfoSys+, APAARI, CACAARI and AARINENA. We invite you to take a moment to enjoy the informative articles.

Bringing up the rear is a special report on the recent 36th World Farmers Congress that brought together some 400 farmers from different parts of the globe. Organized by IFAP, this Congress constituted one of the important events of the year, and we synthesize for you in this issue, some of the major outputs of the congress, and recommendations from our farmers' group constituency. Also at the end, as usual, comes the profile article from the civil society constituency, which in this issue features Apex Farmers' Organizations' of Ghana (APFOG).

Bonne lecture!



GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO, SDR, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898