April 2002

Issue 2/2002
  to receive GFAR Newsletter regularly


GFAR Secretariat News


Highlighting 2001

7th Management Team Meeting

The Relaunching of EGFAR


Facilitating Units


News from the Regional Fora


Central Asia & Caucasus

Latin America & Caribbean

Sub-Saharan Africa

West Asia & North Africa


North America


News from the Stakeholders


Farmers' Organizations

Donor Community


In this issue

The GFAR Newsletter is taking on a new form. From last year's paper-based newsletter, we are now delivering the GFAR Newsletter right to your mailbox!

The shift from print to electronic version is our way of reporting updates on the various activities being facilitated by the GFAR Secretariat in a faster and cost-effective manner.
The newsletter is structured into three sections: News from the GFAR Secretariat, from the Regional Fora and from the Stakeholders. You can find every article in the first page and clicking on the lead statement of an article will give you access to the full piece.

In this issue, we are presenting the highlights of 2001. The initial results of the regional priority setting exercises being conducted are reported and this process is creating increased stakeholder involvement in developing and launching Global Partnership Programmes. The main conclusions and recommendations of the GFAR/IFAD Technical Workshop on Developing Global Partnership Programs (GPPs) are summarised as well as the main decisions taken by the GFAR Steering Committee in its October 2001 meeting. We also provide some updates on GFAR's ICT activities, and on upcoming activities in the thematic areas in which GFAR is working. And by the way, did we mention the changes in the GFAR Secretariat?

This issue also provides a glimpse of the changes taking place in the regions: a budding sub-regional fora in Southeast Asia, a new regional fora chair in the Eastern and Central Africa; post-harvest initiatives in Central Asia and the Caucasus as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean; and priority setting exercises in West Asia and North African region. Of course, information is also provided on regional goings-on in Europe and in North America.

The Stakeholders' Section presents an article on strengthening NGOs and Farmers Organizations as well updates on the so-called GFAR Multi-Donor Agreement (MDA).

All this and more can be found in this issue! The GFAR Newsletter can, of course, be further improved with more feedback from you: remember this Newsletter is yours as well! As such, we not only welcome your comments but your articles, too! After all, we are just one click away.



GFAR Secretariat
c/o FAO, SDR, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel. +39.06.5705.3413 Fax +39.06.5705.3898