GCARD2. Breakout session P3.3. Report. The Kigali Movement. Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Innovation in Post-Conflict and Protracted Crises Countries: A Consultative Learning Workshop. 6 – 8 September 2012, Hotel Des Mille Collines, Kigali, Rwan

Starting with background information, the report presents a summary of the plenary presentations of the workshop, which includes a brief on the post-conflict and protracted crisis environment in the 15 participating countries. A section is thereafter dedicated to process steps that eventually led to the final action plan. An immediate outcome of the final action plan was a synthesis paper presented to the “High Level Expert Forum: Addressing Food Insecurity in Protracted Crises” jointly convened by the Committee on World Food Security and FAO on September 13 – 14 in Rome, Italy.