Draft Minutes of the 29th GFAR Steering Committee
Key Outcomes – Members of the GFAR Steering Committee decided that:

At the kind invitation of the CGIAR Consortium Chief Executive Officer Dr Frank Rijsberman, the Multi-stakeholder Steering Committee of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) met at Agropolis International, Montpellier, France, April 7-9, 2014.
Key Outcomes – Members of the GFAR Steering Committee decided that:
- GFAR and CGIAR renewed their commitment to working in close partnership across programmes and to ensuring a shared vision and implementation for a successful GCARD3 process. To this end, the GFAR Steering Committee and CGIAR Consortium, in consultation with their constituencies, will prepare and submit a revised GCARD3 concept note for consideration by the CGIAR Fund Council meeting in May.
- The Committee agreed to practical, time-bound steps for improving the transparency, accountability and efficiency of the governance of the Global Forum, and in turn, that of the regional fora and other stakeholder groups represented in GFAR Steering Committee.
- The Committee fully endorsed the establishment, through GFAR, of an Integrated Agricultural Innovation Investment Facility to promote and increase investment and capacities in national agricultural research and innovation systems. The Facility will integrate national demands and innovation platforms, IFAD and funding partners, and international supporting mechanisms.
- Members reported on the actions they had taken to implement the GFAR Medium Term Plan and their plans for future work in their particular areas of responsibility.
- The Committee determined financial and technical support to catalyze partners’ actions and agreed to new working principles for implementing the GFAR Medium Term Plan (2014-2017).
- The Committee adopted the Budget and Action Plan for 2014, aligned to the GFAR Medium Term Plan (2014-2017).
- The Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference for the upcoming External Evaluation of GFAR and agreed to build on previous external evaluations of GFAR Governance and GCARD2. The External Evaluation will take place after the Constituent Assembly scheduled in November 2014, and be completed before mid-2015.
- The Committee adopted a gender strategy based on that of FAO.
- The Committee noted progress in developing a robust and layered Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Forum and agreed that it must be fully operational by the end of 2014. Members agreed to fully document and share progress in their work, including through contributions to the GFAR website and communications.
GFAR Vice- Chair, Hon. Prof. Ruth Oniang’o, who Chaired the meeting, welcomed the strong unity of purpose shown and positive outcomes of the meeting “GFAR is renewed and re-energized; we have shown that together we can realize our joint purpose and meet the expectations of those we work to serve. It has been a great meeting and I thank us all for the enthusiasm and renewal of purpose”.
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