Tashmatov, Alisher


Dr. Alisher Tashmatov joined ICARDA Central Asia office in Tashkent from September 2, 2010 (Senior Researcher) as the Executive Secretary of CACAARI. He obtained his PhD 1988, All-Union scientific research institute of cotton, economic department, Uzbekistan and worked as assistant, associated professor, head of department, deputy dean, and director Agrobusiness Incubator (1985-1998) at Tashkent agricultural institute/Tashkent State Agrarian University. Deputy Director General rural restructuring agency under the ministry of agriculture (1998-2001), World Bank project implementation unit. Dr. Tashmatov has worked at TIAME/TIIM, head of department, dean of economic faculty (2001-2204); as senior researcher at the Center of effective economic policy / Social-economic research center under Cabinet of ministers Republic of Uzbekistan (2004-2007); and as the Director of Project implementation unit ADB project (2007-2009) UNDP Aid coordination project manager (2009-2010). 

Dr. Tashmatov’s research interests include social and political aspects of agricultural development in Central Asia, on which he has various publications (a Book of “Policy Reforms and Agriculture Development in Central Asia”, Chapter 16 Institutional Reforms and National Agricultural Research Systems in Central Asia, Chapter 17 Irrigation Systems and Sustainable Natural Resource Use under Economic Reforms in Uzbekistan, Chapter 23 Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Policy Reforms in Central Asia and others). Dr. A. Tashmatov co-edited the special edition on FEP journal USDA fellowship program journal.

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