Restrepo Ibiza, Juan Lucas

Mr Restrepo is the Executive Director of Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA), the Colombian National Agricultural Research Corporation. CORPOICA is a decentralized public entity working through commissioned services, generating scientific knowledge and technological solutions through research, innovation, technology transfer and training of extension agents, for the benefit of the agricultural sector.
He previously served as Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, has been Board Chair for the CGIAR Centre CIAT and was one of the lead negotiators of the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States. He served previously as chief commercial officer for the Colombian National Federation of Coffee Growers. In the private sector he has worked for Tetra Tech, Inc., as Business Development Manager for the Andean and Caribbean regions at Syngenta, and has served as a food marketing consultant.