Items in the category "Agricultural research"

ASARECA competitive grant system. Procedures manual

Image - EGFAR [Document] The ASARECA competitive grant program has been established to stimulate market oriented agricultural production in the region. As part of this effort ASARECA will promote agricultural technology transfer through collaboration between research and partner organizations in Eastern and Central Africa...

Global agricultural research for development: how can Europe respond? Conclusions and Recommendations

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Conclusions and Recommendations call for building up new partnerships and programmes for the six priority themes addressed during the meeting. They are the result of the discussions in the various working groups and relate to the expected outputs. Each theme is introduced by one or more...


Image - EGFAR [Document]

Strategic plan for agricultural research co-operation in West and Central Africa

Image - EGFAR [Document] Objective of the document: To meet the major challenges facing agriculture, research and development in West and Central Africa, the WECARD/CORAF General Assembly held in Accra in 1998 passed a resolution on the development of a strategic document for agricultural research co-operation for the sub-...

Plan strategique pour la cooperation de la recherche agricole en Afrique de l¿Ouest et du Centre

Image - EGFAR [Document] Objectif du document L¿assemblé générale du CORAF qui a eu lieu à Accra, (Ghana) en 1998, a décidé d¿élaborer pour la région Ouest et Centre africaine un plan stratégique pour la coopération sous-régionale de la recherche agricole. Ceci est pour faire face aux défis majeurs de l'agriculture de la...

CORAF/WECARD - IARCs Consultation on sub-regional collaboration/integration in West and Central Africa, Dakar, Senegal; 27 ¿ 28 January, 2001

Image - EGFAR [Document] The specific objectives of the meeting were to share with CORAF/WECARD the process of regional integration that has begun among the major CG centers operating in the region, and give CORAF/WECARD an opportunity to provide feedback and make input into future developments so that CORAF/WECARD can...

CORAF/WECARD III rd General Assembly, Yamoussoukro, Côte d¿Ivoire, 23 ¿ 26 July 2002

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Chairman also recalled the vision, mission and strategic objectives of CORAF/WECRAD, and the role it has continued to play in agricultural research as an economic and social development tool. The chairman underlined the daunting task still ahead in respect of food security and sustainable...

Rapport de la IIIème assemblée générale du CORAF/WECARD, Yamoussoukro (Côte d¿Ivoire), 23¿26 juillet 2002

Image - EGFAR [Document] Le Président a rappelé la volonté du CORAF/WECARD de poursuivre sa mutation inspirée et dictée par une analyse réfléchie de son environnement. A cet effet : - Le Plan stratégique doit rester le support pour renforcer ses interactions et pour discuter avec ses partenaires ; - En matière de...

Aide-mémoire of meeting to determine next steps on GFAR ¿ CORAF/WECARD collaboration, Libreville, July 18, 2001

Image - EGFAR [Document] The purpose of this aide-mémoire is to summarize the next steps in the ongoing collaboration between GFAR and CORAF/WECARD that were identified in the meeting between Adama Traore, Chairman of CORAF/WECARD, and Fernando Chaparro, Executive Secretary of GFAR, that took place in the context of the...

FARA/CGIAR consultation on agricultural research in SSA. Meeting of the minds III: towards a common ground, Nairobi: 19 ¿ 20 March, 2001. Synthesis report

Image - EGFAR [Document] Recognising the FARA vision for agricultural research in sub-Saharan Africa and acknowledging that there is an approved CG Strategy for sub-Saharan Africa, the FARA/CGIAR consultation concluded that: ! The CGIAR Centres and their partners are committed to integration of research activities in SSA...

SPAAR/FARA Plenary Session. SPAAR/FARA Vision of African Agricultural Research and Development

Image - EGFAR [Document] African agricultural production over the past two decades has not kept up with population growth. Political and natural factors have inhibited investment, technological change and growth. Without substantial improvements in agricultural productivity and sound natural resource management, most...

Catalyzing innovation and change in agricultural research in Africa: The role of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). FARA¿s strategy document 2002 ¿2012

Image - EGFAR [Document] Africa¿s basic industry is agriculture-based, not only in supporting the rural masses in their quest for food but also providing a large share of the GDP, contributing 30-40% of exports and 70% of employment. Recognizing agriculture as pivotal to Africa¿s development, FARA¿s strategy is to advocate...

Increasing and Sustaining Productivity in African Agriculture: the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS)

Image - EGFAR [Document] At the FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa) meeting of March 2002 held in Maputo, Mozambique, the World Bank and European Union (EU) jointly presented a concept note outlining a new road map, that emerged through a consultative process, to enhance and sustain the institutional and...

The New Forum for Agricultural Research In Africa (FARA) Adding Value to African Agricultural Research: FARA Workplan and Budget 2001-2003

Image - EGFAR [Document] The creation of the new Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) represents an important step in the implementation of a shared Vision for African Agricultural Research. This vision evolved through a series of consultations among national agricultural research leaders, officials of sub-...

The second SPAAR/FARA plenary session April 5-6, 2001, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Summary of main recommendations and decisions

Image - EGFAR [Document] Prior to the plenary, the participants visited the Upper Awash Agricultural Enterprise in the Rift Valley, and attended a series of seminars covering important issues such as: ¿ Science and Technology for African Agriculture in the 21st Century which focused on impact assessment and sustainable...