Items in the category "Agricultural research"
[Document] Este proyecto es el resultado de una concertación entre el Foro de la investigación agrícola (GFAR, Foro Global de Investigación Agropecuaria) y los actores de la sociedad civil: Organizaciones profesionales Agrícolas y Organizaciones no Gubernamentales. Su objetivo es el de reforzar el papel de...
[Document] Au cours des quelques dernières dizaines d'années, de plus en plus de gens se sont groupés pour constituer des organisations, des associations, des fondations et des institutions semblables pour aider à la prestation des services sociaux, promouvoir un développement économique venant de la base,...
[Document] En los últimos decenios ha crecido notablemente el número de personas que se agrupan para formar organizaciones, asociaciones, fundaciones e instituciones similares con el fin de prestar asistencia en lo referente a la entrega de servicios sociales, promover el desarrollo económico de base, impedir...
[Document] This paper presents the initiative that is being developed with NGOs and Farmer's Organisations (FOs) to strengthen their constituencies and to ensure their effective participation in regional and global Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). Its basic premise is that effective participation...
[Document] Ce projet est le résultat d¿une concertation entre le Forum mondial de la recherche agricole (GFAR, Global Forum on Agricultural Research) et les acteurs de la société civile: Organisations professionnelles agricoles et Organisations non gouvernementales. Il vise à renforcer le rôle de ces...
[Document] On 15-17 May 2002 the second conference of the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD) was held in Rome under the banner of ¿Strengthening the European Contribution to Agricultural Research for Development¿. The conference was organised by the EFARD Steering Committee,...
[Document] In recent decades there has been an upsurge of people grouping themselves to form organisations, associations, foundations and similar institutions to assist in delivering social services, promote grass-root economic development, prevent environmental degradation, protect civil rights and pursue...
[Document] The social and environmental impacts of the Green Revolution since the 1970s, the on-field testing of genetically-modified crops in the 1990s, the continued neglect of small farmers in national priorities, and persistent rural poverty and vulnerability of the rural poor ¿ are among the critical...
[Document] The main objectives of the CGIAR agricultural research and development agenda are to reduce poverty and ensure an adequate nutrition and quality of life for rural society in the developing world.This mission involves meeting basic food needs of the rural poor but also expanding output to meet the...
[Document] Le but de ce projet est de renforcer les capacités des organisations de la société civile (OSC) impliquées dans la Recherche agricole pour le développement (RAD), de telle sorte qu¿elles puissent participer efficacement à tous les aspects de la RAD au niveau national, régional et interrégional. Ce...
[Document] Most of the African countries are still classified as poor by the United nations. Generally 70% of the population is said to be living in poverty, although this differs from country to country. Given a population growth rate for all Africa of more than 3% the current average economic growth rates...
[Document] The objective of this project is to strengthen and/or build capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) involved in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) activities, so that they can effectively participate in all aspects of national, regional and inter-regional ARD. Its basic premise is...
[Document] Setting a Global Strategic Agenda for ARD at GFAR
[Document] The vision and the mission of SACCAR are as follows: Vision: SACCAR will, by year 2020, have made significant contribution to poverty alleviation and sustainable growth through agricultural research and training in the SADC region. The mission of SACCAR is to foster regional integration of...
[Document] Workshop objective The first strategic thrust of SACCAR¿s Strategic Plan for Research and Training Coordination and Integration, is to ¿Assist NARS to set up national priorities and use them to identify regional priorities¿. The main objective of this activity is to ensure that the methodology used...
[Document] The ¿Strategic Framework for a Global Post-harvest Initiative - Linking Farmers to Markets¿ was developed following an International Workshop on Post Harvest Systems held in FAO Headquarters in Rome in 2003, jointly organised by FAO/AGS, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Post...
[Document] The objectives of the meeting on 31 January 2003 were outlined as: o Discussing the scope, key questions and value of the proposed assessment. o Focusing on questions that decision makers needed answered in order to formulate policies that result in fewer hungry and poor people, particularly with...
[Document] Food insecurity, poverty and natural resources degradation are three scourges that continue to plague developing countries, and which often seem intractable. The global community continues, however, to confront these problems, monitor progress made and set targets that need to be achieved in order...
[Document] The workshop brought together a group of strategic thinkers and knowledgeable practitioners, from different points in the research and development continuum and from different stakeholder groups, to explore the extent to which the poor can benefit from dynamic markets for high value agricultural...
[Document] Contains four major challenges to the agricultural sector and Technology Development and Transfer (TDT) systems in the eastern and central African sub-region in the next 2-3 decades