Items in the category "Agricultural research"

Multi-dimensions of Agricultural Research. Address at the GFAR Triennial Conference 2006. New Delhi. 09 November 2006

Image - EGFAR [Document] Address by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India, at the 3rd GFAR Triennial Conference in New Delhi, India, 2006.

Bio-fuels Research in the CGIAR: A Perspective from the Science Council

Image - EGFAR [Document] A CGIAR Science Council Policy Statement on Biofuels Production

The Global Forum: Shaping Tomorrow¿s Agriculture Today

Image - EGFAR [Document] Presentation of GFAR at the IFAP World Farmers Congress in Warsaw, June 4-6 2008. It focuses on the concepts of GFAR as a neutral platform linking science and society and creating and supporting effective, demand-driven institutions & innovation systems to meet the complex needs of sustainable...

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research

Image - EGFAR [Document] Presentation of GFAR at the Open Science Network Meeting on Partnerships, Innovation and Agriculture jointly organized by INRA and CIRAD in Paris on 3 June 2008.

Reorienting Agricultural Research to Meet the Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings of the GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference. 8-11 November 2006. New Delhi, India

Image - EGFAR [Document] The GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference with its theme ¿Reorienting Agricultural Research to meet the Millennium Development Goals¿ held in New Delhi, India from 8-11 November, 2007 was an important milestone for the GFAR. The Conference questioned the ability of current agricultural approaches,...

Global Forum¿s Role and Scope in ARD

Image - EGFAR [Document] GFAR presentation at CGIAR Scoping Exercise. PowerPoint presentation at the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

Our Global Forum: The way forward

Image - EGFAR [Document] Presentation of GFAR's mission, priorities and challenges for 2008. PowerPoint presentation at the Steering Committee on 28/11/2007 during the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

CGIAR Facilitated Change Management Process Scoping Team. Presentation to GFAR December 5, 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] CGIAR Scoping Team. PowerPoint presentation at the GFAR Statutory Meetings, Bejing, China, 28/11/2007-01/12/2007.

Recommendations of the 2nd External Review of GFAR January 2007. Response of GFAR Steering Committee and GFAR Secretariat

Image - EGFAR [Document] GFAR is happy that the reviewers have found that GFAR has made a remarkable move in the right direction and it is largely recognized that the vision which led to the creation of GFAR, and which was confirmed by the 2000 review, is still valid today. GFAR shares the view of its stakeholders on the...

Expert Consultation on Biofuels : IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines, 27-29 August, 2007

Image - EGFAR [Document] The program of the meeting tried to answer the following questions being the main workshop objectives: a) To discuss how bioenergy production may have an impact on global and regional food security and the sustainability of key agricultural systems in Asia; b) To summarize current understanding of...

Underutilized Plant Species Research and Development Activities ¿ Review of issues and options

Image - EGFAR [Document] ICUC and GFU are both active internationally in promoting and backstopping efforts to realize the potential of underutilized species species. While both are making an extremely valuable contribution, they recognize that there are areas of overlap and opportunities for building further on their...

Meta-Evaluation of EPMRs

Image - EGFAR [Document] Meta-review of 11 External Program and Management Reviews (EPMRs) to reconfirm and highlight the role and value of the EPMR process in the CGIAR System identifying issues of system-level significance.

National Datasets on Research Institutions

Image - EGFAR [Document] Datasets of Research Institutions and focal points in the Central Asia and Caucasus

From issues to actions. Expert Consultation on Regional Research Needs Assessment in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Image - EGFAR [Document] Agricultural research needs assessment is a continuous process in view of the fast changing socio-economic and policy scenarios and emergence of many other stakeholders, not involved earlier. Whereas many agricultural problems are country specific, there are some problems which are common to all...

GFAR, Global Forum on Agricultural Research: Annual report 2005

Image - EGFAR [Document] Inclusiveness: Encouraging stakeholder participation in setting the research agenda

GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference Report

Image - EGFAR [Document] The GFAR 2006 Triennial Conference was held in New Delhi (India) from November 8th to 11th 2006. The theme of the Conference implicitly questioned the ability of current agricultural approaches to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially those concerned with the eradication of...

SUB-THEME 3: Technologies for Emerging Societal Needs

Image - EGFAR [Document] Plenary Presentation: A. Bennet

The Bonn resolution 2002

Image - EGFAR [Document] Research for Development: The Basis for Global Conquest of Hunger and for sustainable Development