Items in the category "Agricultural research"

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 43. Climate change: do we know how it will affect smallholder livestock farmers?

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 43. Climate change: do we know how it will affect smallholder livestock farmers? - Image [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 42. The Future of Food and Farming

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 40. What challenges is agriculture facing? Five scenarios for 2050

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 41. Agriculture 2030: A future for Morocco

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief – The Wheat Initiative – an International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Wheat Initiative1 aims to encourage and support the development of a vibrant global wheat public-private research community sharing resources, capabilities, data and ideas to improve wheat productivity, quality and sustainable production around the world.

GCARD2. Breakout session C1.1 Public Investments – Speaker Brief - CGIAR Fund investment trends

Image - EGFAR [Document] As a key aspect of the CGIAR reform, the CGIAR’s multi-donor trust fund was formed to pool and harmonize donor funding to support research priorities. By focusing on impact and results, the Fund aims to attract larger contributions from more diverse sources and improve the quality of...

GCARD2. Breakout session P1.1 National Food Security – Speaker Brief. The contribution of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) to global food security

Image - EGFAR [Document] The Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) – with over 900 partners from among international research institutes, national academia, development agencies and donors, extension services, private sector, NGOs and civil societies - develops new rice varieties with increased yield potential,...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 03. No foresight, no food? Regional scenarios for Africa and South Asia

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 23. Fallen, Wild or Planted? The Future of Thai Agriculture

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 25. Tres escenarios y un “trilema”

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 29. Prioridades regionales de investigación en América Latina y el Caribe: Experiencia de FORAGRO para GCARD 2010

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 30. Can climate change affect the future of crops in Brazil?

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 31. I’d Rather be Foresighted than Myopic: Foresight Exercises for Agriculture, Food Security, and R&D in Latin America and the Caribbean

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 32. El futuro ambiental de una provincia: Mendoza al año 2030

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 33. Can Brazil feed the world? Not yet, but it has the potential!

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 34. Chile agroalimentario, forestal y rural al 2030

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 35. Securing and Building the Future of Quebec Agriculture and Agrifood

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...

The Futures of Agriculture. Brief No. 36. Building the 5th Strategic Plan of Embrapa 2008-2023

Image - EGFAR [Document] This brief series was developed in preparation for the Foresight Breakout Session of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012) and the Global Foresight Hub1. The briefs were written to communicate to a wider audience, such as policy makers, civil society...