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  Regional Priority Setting
Facing the Future    

From regional priority setting to Global Partnership Programmes (GPPs)
GFAR Secretariat plays a key facilitating role in inter-regional dialogues.

One of the modes of cooperation that is playing an important role in GFAR is that of inter-regional cooperation among NARS and other stakeholders, both in the South/South and in the North/South dimensions.

In addition to the European national fora inputs, EFARD requested the GFAR Secretariat to consolidate in a single paper collaborative proposals from various regional fora: West Asia and North Africa, Asia and Pacific, Central Asia and Caucasus, Sub-Saharan and African, and the Latin America and Caribbean. Inter-regional dialogues held since two years for some of them lead to launch global programmes. This section of EGFAR has been established to facilitate the exchange of information among stakeholders on the results coming out of this process and on special events taking place.

The Regional/Sub-regional Fora (RF/SRF) have agreed to provide inputs to the European Forum on Agricultural Research (EFARD), related to the process of the development of the European Research Area (ERA) and care of the 6th Framework Programme.

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