Programme Committee

Programme Committee

The Purpose of the Programme Committee
The Programme Committee’s main purpose is to strengthen the participation of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and their regional and sub-regional fora in the Global Forum, given the key role they play in agricultural research for development (ARD).

The Structure of the Programme Committee
The Programme Committee consists of 12 members: two representatives from each of the five southern regional fora and one representative from each of the two northern fora.

One of the Southern fora representatives is always the Executive Secretary of their fora. The others should not be Executive Secretaries, but should be drawn from one of the non-research groups (NGO, Farmers’ Organizations and the private sector) that must be represented on the Committee.

The main function of the Programme Committee are:

  • To oversee the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of agreed GFAR programs at the global, regional and/or sub-regional levels
  • To review all GFAR plans and activities specifically related to the GFAR lines of action in order to “strengthen the national agricultural research systems (NARS) and their regional and sub-regional fora”.
  • To discuss the overall agenda of the Forum from the perspectives of national agricultural research systems in order to develop common positions and ensure that their priorities are considered fully.
  • To promote inter-regional cooperation and collaboration (both South-South and South-North), as well as the exchange of experience gained from efforts to promote regional/sub-regional cooperation in agricultural research.
  • To provide a forum where national agricultural research systems can discuss topics of common interest at the global level – examples would include developing common positions on issues related to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Programme Committee


Mohamad M. Ajlouni

Executive Secretary - AARINENA
Steering Committee
Programme Committee

David Radcliffe

Senior Policy Adviser Agricultural Research for Development Programme Committee
Raj Paroda

Rajendra Paroda

Alternate representative for APAARI
Steering Committee
Management Team
Programme Committee
Mark Holderness

Mark Holderness

GFAR Executive Secretary
Steering Committee
Programme Committee
Management Team

James French

Alternate FORAGRO
Steering Committee
Programme Committee

Esther Penunia

Farmers’ Organizations
Steering Committee
Programme Committee
Lucy Muchoki

Lucy Muchoki

Private Sector Representative
Steering Committee
Programme Committee

Alisher Tashmatov

Alternate representative for CACAARI
Steering Committee
Programme Committee

Note about the documents below
In the last years, we have published only the minutes of the statutory meetings. For enquiries about background documents, please contact us at [email protected]

Documents of the Programme Committee meetings

Total: 23
Title Author(s) Year Download
Draft Minutes of the GFAR Programme Committee meeting, November 2012 2012 Download document
Draft Minutes of GFAR Programme Committee March 2012 2012 Download document
Draft Minutes of the 4th Programme Committee Meeting 2008 Download document
Minutes of the Third Programme Committee Meeting, Beijing, China, 28 -29 November 2007 2008 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: AARINENA 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: Global Facilitation Unit On Under Utilized Species Hoeschle-Zeledon, Irmgard 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Reports: L Inking Farmers To Markets (LFM) 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Agenda Of The 3nd Programme Committee Meeting 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. GFAR 2007-2009 Business Plan 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. List Of Documents 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: APAARI
Godakhe, Raghunath
Paroda, Raj
2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: DURAS Oliveros, Oliver 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: EFARD 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FAO 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FARA 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: FORAGRO 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: ICM4ARD 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Kwaschik, Ralf 2007 Download document
3rd Programme Committee Meeting. Beijing, China 28 -29 November 2007. Progress Report: PROLINNOVA 2007 Download document
Global NTFP Partnership ¿ Activities 2007 and Plans 2008. GFAR Programme Committee Meeting, Beijing, November 2007 Kwaschik, Ralf 2007 Download document
Minutes of the 2nd Programme Committee Meeting - 30th November and 1st December 2006, Washington D.C., USA 2007 Download document
Report of the GFAR Programme Committee. Submitted to the GFAR Steering Committee 2007 Download document
Minutes of the 1st Programme Committee. 2nd Programme Committee Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 30th November ¿ 1st December 2006 2005 Download document