Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) Meeting

At their inaugural meeting, hosted by GFAR, in FAO, March 1-2, 2012, the DGs of the nine centers (CABI, CATIE, AVRDC, ICBA, ICIMOD, ICIPE, IFDC, INBAR and CFF) were welcomed by DDG Ann Tutwiler, who acknowledged their long connection with FAO and practical linkages through GFAR. The Centers DGs also hold an open house meeting with staff of OEK and the Emergency Program, on the second day of their meeting, before being received by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.
The combined expertise of these centers covers a large spectrum of the Research for development continuum including Integrated Pest Management, agroforestry, drought-tolerance crops, agrobiodiversity, NRM and the conservation and use of underutilized species. They are promoting changes in farming practices and sustainable intensification. Their work complements the work of the CGIAR IARCs and national programs with respect to staple crops, and add global expertise in development opportunities species with high economic, social, nutritional and ecological value.
With a total budget of more than 200 million dollars/year supported by major bilateral donors and foundations, they have a track record of successful research outcomes having been scaled up to development impact at landscape and regional levels. They attract public and private sector actors and are fully oriented towards problem solving at systems, rather than at single commodity level.
Building on their high recognition by respective host countries and regional bodies, they have been operating well developed networks in Latin America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific Region, helping countries to build their research and development capacity to address agricultural and nutrition related issues. Through these networks they are addressing complex and rapidly evolving problems such as global climatic uncertainty and widespread malnutrition, supported by world-scale high-quality knowledge and germplasm banks from which material is made available to partners and poor farmers as freely and effectively as possible.
After active deliberations (see presentations), the nine centers decided on a reinforced partnership to contribute more effectively to the elimination of global poverty and malnutrition, and to formalize their collaboration by creating an Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) with a view to making a greater contribution to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. The Association will work intensively to develop a new collaborative program addressing the multi-faceted aspects of flooding, drought, salinity, soil infertility, pests and diseases and their impact on human diets, health and prosperity. This program is tentatively named “Healthy landscapes –a better future for poor communities, Reducing risk & vulnerability of livelihoods, Increasing sustainability of landscapes and ecosystems”.
Attachment | Size |
introduction_to_ifdc-airca_meeting.ppt | 4.32 MB |
icipe-airca-01-03-2012.ppt | 2.39 MB |
caties_experience_with_crps.ppt | 1.27 MB |
avrdcairca-2012.ppt | 3.95 MB |
airca_rome_0212.ppt | 2.85 MB |
airca_meeting_rome.ppt | 1.82 MB |
airca_icimod.ppt | 1.89 MB |
airca_cabi_-_intro_2012.ppt | 5.03 MB |
Posted on 08/03/2012